(That's only $6.47 per day)
And here’s the reality:
There are nonprofits all over the country who are operating in an effective, sufficient and sustainable way because they understand the business side of a nonprofit corporation. This has made them more desirable to funders, respected in their communities and valuable funding resources for donors.
Because it doesn't matter how many nonprofits are out there, it matters that they are reputable and they serve their community well while remaining transparent.
You’re called to help others, but you don't know whether you should start with something new—or something that already exist. Or maybe you been already doing the work but paying for everything... out of your own pocket without funding.
Your ministry desires to make an impact in your community, but you're missing a business savvy or background to implement a high-performing nonprofit. Ideas for growing your passion can only take you so far, and you remain stuck at the same level of members, visitors, and donors that you've had for what feels like forever.
You’ve already started something on the side, but you don't have enough time to make it truly successful. If only you knew what to focus on right now while you are building, and the right things to do in the right order, you could make some real progress—but as of now, your passion is starting to fizzle.
You want to produce a nonprofit that will be your living legacy, but trying to fill out and file all the documents and forms can be a tedious and overwhelming process. You need a way of knowing you are not wasting your time and energy, and that your legal structure will be done right to get you started.
You want to provide a service—and have people support you with their time and resources— but you aren't sure how to get others with your same passion to become supporters and donors. You don’t even know that what you want to do is something people fund, and not have to keep using a fiscal sponsor because you don’t have your own tax-exempt documentation.
The need is great and operating a corporation can be a little intimidating when you don’t know how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, and you need a trusted guide to get you from point A to point B.
This is exactly why The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success is such an important program, crafted with you in mind.
We have run several successful faith-based nonprofit community programs that were funded by donors including Target, UPS, United Way and US Department of Housing and Urban Development. As former nonprofit executives and current Nonprofit Coaches & Consultants, we dedicated our lives and time to doing good for others. For more than a decade, we applied for several dozens of grants and funding requests. We've both succeeded and failed, and all throughout that time, we charted our progress to out find what works and what doesn't. We've also worked with assisting other churches and nonprofits set up processes within their business structure from capacity building to event management.
We've heard a pretty similar list of struggles from churches and ministry leaders time and time again: "I don't know where to begin," or "We want to do good for our community too," or the biggest one, "We’re afraid If we don’t do something more we will fail."
We want you to learn and be inspired from our successes and failures. We’ve learned by a combination of trial and error, research and education from best practices. We have put these experiences into the Path For Nonprofit Startup Success implementation program, so you can have direct insight into the best practices and proven strategies that really work from start to finish. We’re here to help you find your build your nonprofit right the first time from the ground up.
"I've know the Myles' to be people of quality, character, and excellence in everything they put their heart and hands to do. Their love for their purpose in helping organizations flourish shines through every consult and interaction. This team is the best in business to get you to where you were designed to be, on top!"
""Victor and Angela Myles/VMA/The Myles Factor have guided me strategically into clarifying and defining my vision and niche and taking my company from the heart to reality. Working as a dynamic duo, they are extremely knowledgeable and the consummate professionals in their areas of expertise. I highly recommend their services!""
"Your Services have been a true blessing to me! Not only have they blessed me, but they have given me guidance and the wisdom that I needed to carry out and make certain decisions in my life & in my Ministry. It's taught me how to handle my Praise Dance Events in a more professional way...Thank you for all your help, guidance, and prayers!"
It’s a unique comprehensive implementation system that gives you the exact step-by-step actions for starting your nonprofit, structuring it’s tax-exempt status, and solidifying your management knowledge so you can see your vision fulfilled, protect your assets, and stay in compliance making you more attractive and trustworthy to donors, funders and to your community.
It takes you from scratch to launching a COMPLETE tax-exempt startup that can build a legacy for years to come.
You only have a couple hours a week to devote to nonprofit building
You're not sure what kind of nonprofit to start
You don’t think you have any corporate skills
You don't have a degree in Nonprofit Management
You have been putting starting on the backburner because of lack of knowledge
You have spent years dreaming about what problems you want to solve, but got frustrated with the complexity of it all.
Spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees to get started
Spend your life glued to a desk piecing together all the documents
Go back to school, get a degree, or get a certification first, or
Just use someone else’s tax-exempt status and split all of your donations with them just to be eligible to apply for grants.
But guess what? That’s not at all true.
We’ve put over 15 years into this journey, so we know and understand what really works for you. We know what fit’s you uniquely as a church, as a ministry, and Visionary.
Start of with your visioning workbook for what you want your future nonprofit to look like. You'll fill out questionnaires defining the basic information about you and your nonprofit vision. You have access to our signature nonprofit essentials course the "Define Your Vision Masterclass" to help you make the most informed decisions possible in the startup process.
Use The Workbook to assist you in answering the questions on your Form 1023 application, gaining clarity and getting expert advise and best practice suggestions to help you complete the process. You will learn how to use your information to complete your Form 1023 Application for Tax Exempt Status and other IRS required documents. We also show you how to request your Federal Tax Identification number. During this time you learn exactly how to run your board meetings and secure your minutes for corporate compliance.
Once you approve your completed package we send you it to you via express mail, you review the documents, and you attach payment and send off in the specialized pre-addressed envelope to the US Treasury for formation processing. While you await the process you can access guides, checklists, policies and tools inside the secure password protected e-learning center of The Fund Able Church to help you prepare to run your nonprofit business.
You receive a 30-Minute Quick Start Welcome Call. This powerful startup call with a nonprofit expert helps you to understand the journey ahead and set up a specific action plan for your nonprofit formation.
You receive one additional 50-Minute Clarity Call. Once your have completed the Start Phase of the Program, you will have more insight on exactly what you want to do and the unique difference you want to make in the world. We will help you to clarify those goals and visions so that the information you provide to form your nonprofit organization is precise and leaves no stone unturned.
When you join the Path To Nonprofit Startup Success you’ll automatically be added as a full member of our Nonprofit Founder Academy Facebook Group Community for 12 months, where you’ll be constantly be provided insights and advice from some ourselves and even some guest nonprofit executives who are leading their cause...
Private Facebook Group for Nonprofit Founder Academy Students. Get the inspiration, encouragement, and help you need to succeed. We are building an army of students who will provide feedback, participation and guidance to help you when you feel stuck, unsure or just need clarity.
Define Your Vision Masterclass was designed for nonprofit leaders who truly want to know if their dream or vision will work before they spent countless weeks, months and even years launching a social business or community outreach program that is not needed or necessary in their community.
These masterclasses help you to better understand the process of being a nonprofit executive and dive into some additional areas such as human resources and fund management.
**We have set this incubation program up so that you may go at your own pace, please note this does not include the state filling fee (varies by state) or the IRS one time filling fee which is $600. Because you are setting the pace for how quickly you get your nonprofit up and running you will be able to submit these fees directly to the government entities when you are ready.
(That's only $6.47 per day)
We commit to you for the entire length of the program. When you sign up, we expect you are committing to us the program in it's entirety as well. We are in this together! As a result of us holding space for you for the lenghth of the program, we do not offer refunds and we expect you to commit for the full-time frame when you join us.
As soon as your payment is received, we’ll get instant access to the private membership site and you your orientation materials will be waiting for you. You can get started on building the foundation of your new nonprofit business right away. That’s right, NO waiting. You will receive orientation materials and pre-work to kickstart your newly created position as a nonprofit CEO and build momentum immediately.
Plus, we'll have welcome calls to get you up and running quickly. This is unlike anything you've ever experienced. We will set you up for success this year!
Inside Nonprofit Founders Academy, we give you the exact sequence you need to follow to form and launch your nonprofit with confidence. You will always know the next step in the formation process with expert consulting and documentation support every step of the way.
We'll start by diving into your vision and your mission goals. From there we will create a startup formula plan to not only formalize your nonprofit legal structure, but to develop an operating strategy for your business in accordance with how the most successful nonprofits operate!
Starting a tax-exempt nonprofit is a huge responsibility, and the paperwork can be extremely difficult, but no need to worry about it. We'll be guiding you through the whole process, with our step by step system, answering your questions, offering support, and congratulating you each step of the way as we reach each mile marker towards completion of the formation and startup process!
When we're done you won't just have a formalized business structure, you'll have a complete business infrastructure that can be used to generate funding, start community programs, or qualify for loans and lines of credit to grow your church or ministry!
Instead of just providing bits and pieces of nonprofit formation services that only solve one part of the startup path and often leaving you more frustrated and overwhelmed about "what happens next", we offer a "complete path" service system that will take you from defining your vision, to nonprofit management and compliance to launching your nonprofit beyond formation.
If you have a passion that you feel called to start yet lack the means to get your documents and foundation organized on your own—The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success is for you!
If you want to formalize your church structure or build a community outreach in addition to your church or ministry, so you can get the funding you need to bring change and make an impact— The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success is for you.
If you’re a Pastor, Minister or Visionary and you want help navigating the strategy behind how to successfully launch a nonprofit organization— The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success is for you.
Finally, if you want to to start a fundable nonprofit and build apply for grants, and donor funding to support the life of your vision (rather than struggling to make ends meet)— The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success is for you.
You'll Learn How To:
Specialized Masterclasses and short lessons to help you along your journey to nonprofit startup success.
Click below to see samples of the lessons and checklists included.
We are The Myles Factor, a full-service training and consulting duo specializing in the nonprofit development of the urban church and community organizations, visionary leadership, and experts in organization.
“We help churches & driven leaders form and launch tax-exempt nonprofits in half the time so they can fulfill their mission without being overwhelmed by difficult paperwork”
Inside Nonprofit Founders Academy, we give you the exact sequence you need to follow to form and launch your nonprofit with confidence. You will always know the next step in the process with documentation support every step of the way.
Because this is a live coaching program and documentation formation service where you will be getting a lot of personalized support and structural formation, We do not offer refunds. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about the program before you sign up.
• Short, actionable videos from us in each Phase to guide you through the steps as efficiently as possible
• Step-by-step implementation guides, checklists, and templates with a specific to-do checklist that makes it easy for you to actually make progress in your formation process
• Policies and Procedures that you can customize so that you can stand out and stay compliant with industry standard best practices without having to reinvent the wheel
• Additional videos and checklists for step-by-step instructions providing technical assistance
• Live coaching calls (Online) and bonuses with our team
• And much more!
At a specific point in the course (The Structure Phase), you will be prompted to fill out a specific form that triggers the documentation formation process. You will receive a series of questionnaires asking you for the information needed to but your formation documents together, your bylaws, your EIN and 1023 Form that grants you tax exempt status. You answer the questions, we fill out the forms and contact you if we need clarity, we then send you your finalized documents via email PDF, you print them, sign, attach payments and use the specific instructions we give you to mail them out to the appropriate government entity.
Yes, absolutely! It’s expected that everyone will move through the program at their own pace. To support you, you’ll have lifetime access to the program and resources so that you can build your nonprofit at a rate that works for you.
Yes, and that is exactly what this program is all about. We can help you start your nonprofit with your vision in mind the right way! You’ll get all of the information you need to validate your nonprofit idea, build a strong business foundation, and grow your organization quickly in a smart and fundable way.
Yes, absolutely! We’ve worked with many clients who aren’t churches that started nonprofits– youth programs, mentorship, and group homes to name just a few – and helped them achieve formation success. Our focus is faith-based and vision driven. As long as you’re creating a specific type of 501(c)3 service-based nonprofit, you can use the information in this program to form your nonprofit and accelerate your impact and success.
No. The first 2 Phases will be available immediately. The other Phases will be released as you make progress through the course. You have to do the right things in the right order so that you can get the best possible results from this implementation program. Remember, you are starting a brand new business. This is so that you can focus on each step and get the best, most efficient results instead of being overwhelmed.
Currently the calls are scheduled for the last Tuesdays of the month and are recorded and added to the membership site as well. There may be additional coaching calls added if we deem necessary based on the level of student success. The calls will also be recorded in case you miss one, and you’ll be able to submit your questions via the Facebook group or email in advance if you know you aren’t going to be able to make the call live. There will be a total of 7 live coaching calls with us.
The program starts immediately, and the first kick off Group Coaching call starts on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. However, you’ll want to sign up ASAP to get the fast-action bonuses plus more time to ask questions before we close enrollment.
You can absolutely start your nonprofit without spending a lot of money. The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success Program is all about building your nonprofit in a smart way, which includes ways to get some things you need to use free, or save by being able to DIY (do-it-yourself). We do recommend that you pay for an effective accounting system and for your own website domain name. Later down the line, you can add more tools as you need them depending on your service needs. One thing you must prepare for are the GOVERNMENT FILLING FEES. These are not included in the price of the program. State filing fees vary, we will give you a tool to find your state’s fees. The IRS Fee is $600 for the full 1023 application for churches, ministries and organizations who expect to run programs with budgets over $50,000 and eventually apply for various levels of grants.
We know you’re busy. The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success program is designed specifically for men and women who may be still working in a regular 9-5 job, are currently may also be working in ministry, and have families as well. We understand, we have done all the above at once as well. The awesome thing is, when you invest in The Path To Nonprofit Startup Success you get lifetime access to the materials so you can play catch up whenever it’s convenient for you. The program is self-paced so you’re in charge of your time!
Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions. We’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.
(That's only $6.47 per day)
50% Complete
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